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Above the Clouds

Judy Johnston


Nutritional Health Coach 

Brain Health Coach through Amen's Clinic


Every day we make choices that affect our lifestyles.  Let me be the one to help you make new positive choices to improve your emotional and physical wellbeing. 



My books are available to help you make change from the safety of your own home. 


To explore my in-person site go to:


Shift Your Thoughts
Shift Your Life
We all have parts of our lives
that we'd like to improve.  

This book will show you how to
use your thoughts to achieve your dreams.
Photo on 4-21-21 at 5.55 PM #2.jpg

Also available in eBook format for Kindle and iBook
Available on Amazon

"I recently read Judy’s book and it is the most informative educational book I have ever read. Learning what type of supplements I should take for various things has assisted me with my overall health and weight goals. This book is special because it offers you the opportunity to not only read but to write things down in it as you make discoveries."

- HS  

"It’s concise and easy for my clients to use on their own. Everyone has some area in their lives that this book can effectively address and be used as a helpful tool through whatever process they are going through. The writing and presentation of it exudes Judy’s heart felt caring of others."



How I Got Here

How I Got Here

I have had a full-time practice located in Charlotte, NC, for over 10 years working with clients to improve their lives.  I am a Hypnotherapist, Nutritional Health Coach, Brain Health Coach (certified through Dr.Amen's clinic), and Author.  My book, Shift your Thoughts, Shift your Life, is an accumulation of articles and worksheets I use with my clients so they can evaluate where they are in life, and transition to where they desire to be. 

I started out my career as a technical computer programmer, and was discovered as an artist.  This dramatic change triggered my interest to understand more about this thing we call "consciousness".  From that point, over 15 years ago, I have been intrigued with the connection between the mind and the body.  


Everyone of us has an important story.  But wouldn't it be great to write a story of joy and personal power rather than fear and pain? 

It's a life-long journey; I am available to open you to a more positive experience.  

Contact Us

My Story


I have had a full-time practice located in Charlotte, NC, for over 10 years working with clients to improve their lives.  I am a Hypnotist, Nutritional Health Coach, Brain Health Coach (certified through Dr.Amen's clinic), and Author.  My book, Shift your Thoughts, Shift your Life, is an accumulation of articles and worksheets I use with my clients so they can evaluate where they are in life, and transition to where they desire to be. 

I started out my career as a technical computer programmer, and was discovered as an artist.  This dramatic change triggered my interest to understand more about this thing we call "consciousness".  From that point, over 15 years ago, I have been intrigued with the connection between the mind and the body.  


Everyone of us has an important story.  But wouldn't it be great to write a story of joy and personal power rather than fear and pain? 

It's a life-long journey; I am available to open you to a more positive experience.  

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    Stop Smoking -  Be smoke free by Valentine's Day!
    Mon, Feb 08
    Stop Smoking in Only 5 days
    Feb 08, 2021, 12:00 PM EST – Feb 12, 2021, 1:00 PM EST
    Stop Smoking in Only 5 days
    Feb 08, 2021, 12:00 PM EST – Feb 12, 2021, 1:00 PM EST
    Stop Smoking in Only 5 days
    Start living completely smoke free and feel the difference!
    Mon, Jan 18
    Jan 18, 2021, 12:00 AM
    Jan 18, 2021, 12:00 AM
    Shift Your Thoughts, Shift Your Life
  • Stop Smoking Webinar
    Stop Smoking Webinar
    Fri, Sep 18
    Stop Smoking Webinar
    Sep 18, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    Stop Smoking Webinar
    Sep 18, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
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